Friday, May 05, 2006

Home stretch

We're half way through our spring quarter and the beautiful weather outside has made the long physiology lectures almost unbearable. The second year medical students are finishing their finals before they have a six week "break"- which will be totally consumed by studying for the USMLE step 1 exam. We, the MS1's, are taking over all the leadership roles for clubs and it seems like overnight we somehow took a large step towards that seemingly elusive date in 2009 when we'll become doctors. At the same time, I have been humbled by new responsibilities, new ways to serve, and my inadequacy to accomplish the necessary tasks. In our weakness, He is strong...

The redeeming quality of spring quarter for 1st year USUHS students are all of the Military Applied Physiology labs we do. Last week we went to the Antietam battlefield and during a several mile road march learned the history of the bloodiest battle of the Civil War. The photo at right was taken as we approached Burnside's Bridge. This week I got to participate in a Dive lab, determining the effects of water temperature and pressure on various body systems first hand. I have a new and unforgettable respect for the Navy divers. I also did an exercise physiology lab and test the limitations of the respiratory system on maximum work output. Next week I'll "ride" in a hypobaric chamber up to 25,000 feet and see the effects of hypoxia on mental function. The same day I'll get to "crash" an aircraft into an enormous pool and learn how to egress from a submerged aircraft under no-light conditions... something that I'm sure is useful to know in the event that it ever happens.

Outside of school and work, Jill and I have stayed pretty busy. Last weekend she ran the Frederick Half Marathon, which was a well staffed, smooth running event that lacked only the pre-race expo the magnitude of Seattle's. And Jill ran like a track star, smashing her time goal with sheer will. Her training partner, Maggie Feldt, and I cheered her on and watched her fantastic finish. Three other Cedarbrook guys from the "Saturday Morning Run Guys" club ran the marathon. They are good people and I've enjoyed the brief time that I've been joining them in the Saturday am's. (Matthew, John and Mark pictured at right... taking a photo break)

We have also started attending a small group on Monday evenings. Even though we just started, it feels like a perfect place to plug into God's word on a weekly basis. Youth group is getting ready to make some big changes and we're also excited about how that will change the way we are able to interact with these middle schoolers.

Our good friends the Hooks are getting ready to move to New Mexico; an opportunity we are both excited and agonized over. Their son Nathan (see photo on the left) will be staying- and we will enjoy seeing him for at least a couple more years. We were fortunate to spend Easter with them, and were once again reminded of how warm their family is. We won't count them out yet, though, Gary and Georgia won't escape with their two younger kids (Eli and Abby, pictured on the right) until mid-June.