Monday, April 03, 2006

Signs of Life

This may be the time of the year that Washington DC is most famous for. The Cherry Blossoms are in full bloom and most of the other botanical life is not far behind them.

Our great friends Jerid and Kelly came out for my spring break with their now 10 month old baby-Ryan. We had an absolutely fabulous time with them although now that they've been gone for a full week it feels a little like a blur. We tried to see the highlights of DC and, I think, succeed. I can't tell you how good it felt to see them, and spend time with Ryan. Although in hindsight, I wonder if we should have left a few of those big ticket items off our agenda so that they would have reason to come back and see us.

(Baltimore Aquarium at left- where we unknowingly violated the stroller prohibition and managed to make it to floor 2 before we were apprehended.)

And even though I had a little trouble correctly navigating us there, one of my favorites was our stop at the Cathedral. It seems like every time I come up out of the Metro, my internal compass is spinning. But, alas, we made it. The architecture was amazing- both inside and out. It was an appreciated change from the churches we live in now, whose designs are driven by our post-modern efficiency and functionality thought processes. Not to say I don't want a basketball court at our church; it was just a beautiful place to quietly remember the history and role of the church in this country.

Now, we've been back in school for a full week. In fact, I just finished our first Physiology exam. The second year students said that this quarter was easier than the last... like I haven't heard that before. Jill is actually in Seattle right now; our good friends Marcy and Patrick were married last night in a ceremony I greatly wish I could have seen. I'm sure that it won't be last of the significant events I miss because of the career to which I've been called.

Chris Ledford and I will be taking over the leadership of the CMA group. And, in fact, the hand-over for our weekly meetings has already occurred. That process of preparing to lead for the next year has made the end of this one feel close. (Even though we've still got a few more hoops to jump through.) I hope also be getting involved in the AMA group here and creating opportunities to serve the community through that as well.