Saturday, October 01, 2005

A little background

Jill and Scott at Nag's Head, NC (top) and Mariner's game in Seattle's beautiful Safeco field (bottom).

Those of you stumbling across this sight for the first time, my wife (Jill) and I recently moved to Maryland from Seattle, WA. All this after I joined the Army and got into medical school out here. The entire change has been the most difficult/wonderful thing that we have done together, and we have been continually reminded of how powerful God is throughout the entire experience.

Jill is now working and I am going to school fulltime- plus a little. We are excited to see where God leads in the next few years and, while we greatly miss the friends and family that we've moved away from, we know that there are many great things for us here as well.

(The oath ceremony at the beginning of the year)