Saturday, October 29, 2005

Bulter's orchard

Jill and I were able to go to Bulter's orchard on Friday this week, and what a beautiful day to be outside! Fall is here and almost gone. All of the trees on our street are bright shades of orange and red and I'm sure that any day we'll come out and see them barren of leaves all together. And while we were in Butler's orchard we noticed that there were very few apples left on the trees as well. It was a pleasure, nonetheless.

Today we took a football down to the neighborhood park and ended up watching some little guys playing soccer. I wouldn't have understood why ten years ago, but it was absolutely captivating watching these kids develop coordination and run around.

When we got home, Jill went to work and I went to a block party at Cedarbrook Community church. It was a pleasure, and gave me the chance to spend some time with a family that we've gotten to know since arriving in Maryland. Their son, Nathan (center), plays lead guitar in a band that performed some of my favorites from Switchfoot. Little bit of reading tonight while I listen to the Huskies game on the internet and my Saturday will be about over.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Half way home

If I'm not mistaken, we have about nine more weeks until the end of the quarter. I haven't determined whether or not that's scary or reassuring. I can't believe how quickly this quarter is disappearing, and I am GREATLY looking forward to going back to Washington for a couple of weeks. At the same time, finals will be the payment for that break, and they promise to be immense.

Jill and I spend most of the day at Harper's Ferry and had a wonderful time. Beautiful country and it's very full of history, which we also had the opportunity to appreciate.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

The day after hiking to Camp Muir on Rainier at Ohanapecosh falls with Jerid and Kelly last summer. This was just two months before Jerid and Kelly were pregnant with their first child Ryan. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, October 01, 2005

A little background

Jill and Scott at Nag's Head, NC (top) and Mariner's game in Seattle's beautiful Safeco field (bottom).

Those of you stumbling across this sight for the first time, my wife (Jill) and I recently moved to Maryland from Seattle, WA. All this after I joined the Army and got into medical school out here. The entire change has been the most difficult/wonderful thing that we have done together, and we have been continually reminded of how powerful God is throughout the entire experience.

Jill is now working and I am going to school fulltime- plus a little. We are excited to see where God leads in the next few years and, while we greatly miss the friends and family that we've moved away from, we know that there are many great things for us here as well.

(The oath ceremony at the beginning of the year)